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Swakeleys School for Girls

Location   Uxbridge
School Status   Academy
School Type   Secondary
Age range of pupils at this school   11 to 18
Number of pupils on roll at this school   1117 pupils
Is this a co-educational school?   Mixed Gender

Swakeleys School for Girls is an over-subscribed school, having an excellent climate for learning. Together, we all aim for our girls to enjoy, achieve, aspire and succeed in all aspects of their educational experience and in life beyond school. 

In November 2013, Ofsted judged us to be 'Outstanding' in all aspects of provision. So to maintain these excellent standards, we are always interested in hearing from enthusiastic and committed individuals. To portray your interest in working for us, you may join our Talent Pool! Just send us your CV along with a brief letter or email telling us a little about yourself and what sort of role you are looking for.

To know more about this Outstanding school, why not contact us now? As an employee of Swakeleys School for Girls you would be join a friendly, dedicated team!

Pupils at this school work hard and achieve well. They gain qualifications in a wide range of subjects, and this helps them to be well prepared for their next stage in education and/or employment.

Ofsted 2022

Enjoy, Achieve, Aspire and Succeed

Swakeleys is a thriving, successful and multi-cultural school for girls in the London Borough of Hillingdon; offering its' own mixed 6th Form and over 30 different courses.

We are a high achieving school that focuses on excellent teaching, learning and high standards of behaviour. Our single sex environment provides us with an unique opportunity to promote the enjoyment of learning and celebration of achievement in an uninhibited way. We offer our girls an up-to-date curriculum which provides the opportunity for all of them to achieve the best academic results; they are capable of.

We want to get the best from every girl, raising standards even higher whilst maintaining the caring ethos of Swakeleys. Our girls are encouraged to take responsibility, make a valuable contribution to the running of the school and to become respected members of our community.

To learn more about our curriculum and school life at Swakeleys, we invite you to visit our website by clicking here.

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