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Harlyn Primary School

Location   Pinner
School Status   Local Authority
School Type   Primary
Age range of pupils at this school   3 to 11
Number of pupils on roll at this school   428 pupils
Is this a co-educational school?   Mixed Gender

Harlyn Primary is a successful and diverse school, where its ''governors, staff and parents contribute to the welcoming and positive culture of the school.'' (Ofsted 2016)

Our team of dedicated and experienced teachers and support staff, work together as a strong team, to give our children the maximum opportunity to achieve, prepare them for the future and have fun.

Therefore, our Governors and Headteacher are consistently keen to recruit, develop and retain high quality staff and commit to safeguarding and promote the welfare of children and young people.

Five days a year are used for staff training and, our weekly staff meetings are used for developing the curriculum and staff expertise. Our staff are also ensured to attend courses as agreed with the Headteacher and in line with the School Development Plan!

For more information about working for us, please feel free to contact us on 020 8866 1290 or email

Pupils’ behaviour is excellent. They are well organised for their lessons and get down to learning quickly. They feel safe to express their views and ask questions. Pupils learn a lot about their rights and responsibilities and what it means to be a good citizen in the modern world. They leave the school well prepared for secondary education, both academically and in terms of their personal development.

Ofsted 2019

Harlyn Primary is a happy three form entry school with a Nursery situated in Northwood Hills, Hillingdon. Its premises consists of six acres of attractive grounds, landscaped with trees and shrubs, a large playground, two spacious sports fields, and a pond and conservation area!

At Harlyn, we strive to develop the individual talents of our children, and encourage their motivation towards good standards of academic work and behaviour. We want all our children to be happy and successful at school. The involvement of parents in all aspects of school life is actively encouraged. 

In addition, our school year is shaped to include opportunities for musical presentations, drama, celebration, involvement in the local community and visits by speakers and performers. Harlyn Primary sets particular value on the tolerance and understanding of all faiths and on building a community of genuinely equal opportunity!

For further information about the our curriculum and school life, we encourage you to view our school brochure and visit our website

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