Frays Academy Trust is able to provide a high level of support and training for all staff working in the four schools and is totally committed to providing excellent career development. The Trust has a strong track record of working with staff at all levels to develop exceptional skills and practices. Our continuing professional development (CPD) package encourages staff to extend their skills and accelerate their career.
If you are career minded, aspirational, child-centred and willing to work hard we are willing to offer:
- A wide range of local CPD within the school, focused to the needs of the staff member;
- Individual CPD which will enable you to access some of the high quality national college programmes, facilitated in the Trust (for example, Outstanding Teacher Programme, NPQML programme);
- Joint CPD across the schools for groups of staff to develop their expertise;
- An opportunity to work in schools across the Trust.
Strength in Partnership, Excellence in Learning
Frays Academy Trust is a not-for-profit charity and is led by leaders with considerable experience of education in and around South Hillingdon.
Our reputation has been built upon the high standards that we have established within our schools and the strong achievement of our pupils. The Trust was formed in December 2012, with federated schools Cowley St Laurence Primary and St Matthew’s Primary Schools then forming into 'Converter Academies’. Since then, we have grown to include six schools: St Martin's CE Primary School, St Matthew's CE Primary School, Laurel Lane Primary School, Cowley St Laurence Primary School, The Pond and Beechwood Primary School.
The partnership between our schools is a strength and has made a significant impact on the number of pupils reaching the expected standard in each year group. Our vision for education in our local communities is around excellence. We aim for all our schools in time to be judged as outstanding and we have put a Strategic Plan together to enable us to achieve this vision.
The success we have had so far is down to the talented and highly dedicated support staff, teachers, leaders and governors at our schools. We are equally grateful to our students and parents for their extensive support and commitment.
For further information about our Multi-Academy Trust and our schools, we encourage you to visit our website, by clicking here.