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Beechwood Primary School
Address: Ambleside Close, Woodley, Reading, Berkshire, RG5 4JJ
Tel: 0118 969 5976

Location   Reading
School Status   Academy
School Type   Primary
Age range of pupils at this school   4 to 11
Number of pupils on roll at this school   352 pupils
Is this a co-educational school?   Mixed Gender

We are a friendly and growing primary academy where we provide all the children with the very best learning and school experience, at the start of their journey in education.
Our staff are highly motivated and welcoming, providing a great team spirit and collaborative ethos. We are part of the supportive Frays Academy Trust with significant experience and expertise. We highly value the well-being of our staff and provide a comprehensive Employee Assistance Programme.

To appreciate what Beechwood is really like, you need to see the school in action! We welcome visitors and would love to show you around. 

To arrange a visit please contact us by email at or call on 0118 969 5976.

Beechwood Primary School serves the community as a primary school for children aged between 4 – 11 in Woodley since the 1988. The school has recently been expanded with the addition of several new classrooms enabling the school to increase its capacity to a two form entry school.

At Beechwood, most children want to learn and we encourage this positive attitude from the child’s first day. By the time the child leaves us at the age of 11 they would have become a confident independent learner, who is aware of their own worth and responsibilities to both the school and the wider community.

If you'd like to learn more about our school, then please visit our website.

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