The timeline below shows the origins of Crinkle Recruitment
The Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) launches the Schools Recruitment Service (SRS).
Despite there being over 20,000 schools eligible to use the SRS only 41 vacancies are live. School Leaders start to realise that the writing is on the wall for the SRS system.
The General Election and change in UK Government sees the DCSF replaced by the Department for Education.
Following changes to the structure of local authorities, the specialist Personnel Service for Schools (PSS) in Hillingdon is being reviewed.
With the support of local Headteachers the Hillingdon PSS ‘transfers out’ of the local authority, and The Schools HR Co-operative is born! Please click here for more information about ‘Schools HR’.
With the end of the SRS fast approaching, The Schools HR Co-operative launches its own jobs board as a part of its website.
After little take up from schools, the SRS website closes for good.
With a growing need for specialist services, The Schools HR Co-operative launches its Leadership Recruitment Service.
With more schools choosing to advertise with ‘Schools HR’ the decision is made to develop our recruitment services further and launch a new education specific recruitment website.
We decide upon a name for our new recruitment services – Crinkle Recruitment!
The design and development of the website begins, which includes engaging our customers to find out what they want to see in a new website.
Identifying a need to find an innovative solution to Newly Qualified Teacher recruitment, several Headteachers approach ‘Schools HR’ for a possible solution. Crinkle Recruitment launches a dedicated NQT recruitment pool.
Crinkle Recruitment continues development of the recruitment website, while still providing NQT recruitment solutions.
Following a period of extensive testing Crinkle Recruitment launches, replacing the ‘Schools HR’ jobs board.